
Pigmentation (blackness) of skin is very common problem. Shubham skin clinic at Pune Sinhagad road offers best treatments like peeling, cosmelan/ yellow peel etc for pigmentation.
Pigmentation is nothing but the blackening of normal skin. It occurs due to abnormal & excess collection of melanin pigment in particular area. Melanin is a pigment which gives our skin its color. Our complexion whether light or dark depends on the amount of melanin present in skin. Pigmented area is dark in color because excess melanin is abnormally located in that area..Early treatment of pigmentation is necessary because pigmentation worsens over period & it goes deep & deep in layers of skin, becomes darker & difficult to treat. We have best advance solutions for pigmentation.
• Pigmentation can occur after any inflammation on skin due to trauma, any infection, and any allergy on skin, sun burn, acne (pimples), application of harsh cosmetics or any other chemicals. This type of pigmentation is called as post inflammatory hyper pigmentation (PIH).
• It may be due to over sun exposure called as tanning, solar pigmentation, freckles lentigines etc.
• Due to application of hair dye or any other cosmetics.
• It may be due to allergy of any medicines (drug reaction).
• Some pigmentation is present from birth which may be called as nevus (Birth mark)
• It may be because of any internal skin disease.
• Sometimes it is genetic & heredity also.
• Hormonal changes in body many times causes a particular pigmentation e.g. melasma.
Darkness of complexion in particular area is only the symptom.
No any special diagnostic techniques are required. Exact cause of pigmentation we can find out from the history taken from patient. But sometimes cause is unknown.
• Medical – Work sometimes.
• Peels – Best treatment for pigmentation. Results vary individually & depth of pigmentation.
• Cosmelan / yellow peel – for resistant & deeper pigmentation.
• Avoid stress & self medication. Avoid steroid & other unknown strong creams.
• Sun protection is very important. Use good quality medicated sunscreens as prescribed by doctor.
There is no diet restriction. Because there is no evidence which claim that any particular diet can create or increase pigmentation. Normally good vegetables& fruits can be considered.
• There are so many types of pigmentation so always take expert opinion for correct diagnosis & treatment.