Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis
Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis

Shubham skin clinic at Pune Sinhagad road offers best treatment for eczema and atopic dermatitis.
Eczema is a term for group of medical conditions that causes skin to become inflamed & irritated. There are many types of eczema. Major types are Intrinsic (Internal) & Extrinsic (External).One type of eczema is atopic dermatitis which is very common in children. Eczema is allergic condition & it is absolutely non infectious & non contagious & it is curable.
Exact cause of eczema is unknown but science states that it is due to overactive response of body immune system to an unknown allergic substance. This is about internal eczema and atopic dermatitis. But in case of external eczema it is possible to find out the cause of eczema by allergy testing (Patch Test) External eczema is also called as allergic / irritant contact dermatitis & it happens when person comes in contact whit a particular substance which is not suitable for him.
• Eczema can appear anywhere on body.
• Itching, burning, swelling, hyperpigmentation & oozing are common symptoms.
• Dryness and redness.
• Rashes & blisters.
• Avoid stress & self medication.
• Avoid itching & scratching because it may increase your Eczema & make your skin black.
• There is no diet restriction. Because there is no evidence which claim that any particular diet can create or increase Eczema. Normally good vegetables& fruits can be considered.
• There are so many skin problems which exactly look like Eczema so always take expert opinion for correct diagnosis & treatment.